The consequences of alcohol consumption

the consequences of drinking alcoholic beverages

Alcoholism remains an urgent problem at all times. Many centuries ago, man learned to cook and drink alcohol. Previously, fermented honey and fruit were used, then wine was made.

In China, rice was used to make alcohol, in India - barley, millet, and in Iran - hemp. I first learned about beer in Egypt. Alcoholic beverages quickly became popular.

Today there are many different types of alcohol that ruin people's lives, destroy families, completely change a person.

How dangerous is alcohol? Is it possible to refuse it?

Alcoholism concept

If a person drinks alcohol excessively, they are called an alcoholic. But they talk about alcoholism when a person exceeds the traditional dose of alcohol. Some doctors call alcohol abuse a serious illness because it leads to physical and mental dependence, resulting in withdrawal symptoms. In addition, the consequence of alcohol are serious diseases of the internal organs, the nervous system, mental disorders.

It is important to distinguish between drunkenness and alcoholism. As a rule, drunkenness is always a consequence of alcoholism. The following stages of alcohol consumption can be distinguished:

  • I drink convinced- does not drink alcohol at all.
  • Rare use of alcohol, only on holidays.
  • Moderate alcohol consumption- three times per month.
  • Alcohol abuse. . . This group includes drunkards who drink very often and cannot control how much they have drunk. Particular attention is paid to people who have pronounced signs of alcoholism. They cannot give up their addiction because they are worried about a hangover and psychosis.

Myths about the use of alcoholic beverages

  • First myth.Alcoholics are those who drink cheap drinks every day. In reality, this is not the case, there are several forms of alcoholism.
  • Second myth.Drunkenness is not very dangerous for health, but unpleasant for others. Many people think alcohol abuse isn't as scary as drugs and other dangerous substances. In fact, alcohol leads to severe liver disease, heart disease, and can even cause pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, and peptic ulcer.
  • Third myth.Alcoholism can only be in someone who is prone to it. This is not true! Anyone can become addicted to alcohol.
  • Fourth myth.It is impossible to relax without alcohol. There are many other ways to relieve stress, such as working out in the gym, relaxing with the family.

Reasons for alcohol addiction

There are three main reasons for alcohol abuse:

  • Biological.It has been shown that alcoholism is most often a consequence of a genetic predisposition. It is believed that if the parents abuse alcohol, 50% of the fact that the child in the future will be addicted to it.
  • Psychological.As a rule, alcoholism develops in inactive and weak-willed people. In some situations, alcoholism is caused by psychogenic trauma, pain, lack of work and free time.
  • Socio-economic.The sale of alcohol is not prohibited. This is a type of business that brings good earnings.

What are the consequences of alcohol abuse?


Alcohol affects the central nervous system, liver, and also leads to myocardial infarction, acute circulatory disorders in the brain. But in pregnant women, a child is born with various pathologies, defects. Quite often, alcohol during pregnancy leads to the death of babies.


Alcoholism is the leading cause of crime and disability. Due to the fact that a person abuses alcohol, his performance decreases.

How to cope with addiction?

Remember, in this case, the prohibitions do not apply. Psychotherapists are convinced that it helps the most:

  • Formation of an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.
  • Belief.
  • Get rid of alcohol myths.
  • Communication with sober and healthy people.

Specific prevention of alcoholism includes:

  • Prohibition of sale.
  • Age bans on alcohol.
  • Sanctions.

Indirect prevention includes a decrease in the dose of alcohol, as well as an increase in culture and education.

Why is it better to give up alcohol?

  • It all ends with serious illnesses.
  • The problem does not go away, it just grows and accumulates.
  • Alcoholic beverages cause brain damage. It is important to note that cells do not regenerate over time.
  • To achieve the desired effect, the alcoholic uses more and more different alcoholic beverages, without paying attention to their harm.

It is worth noting that at first, due to alcohol, a person slows down a little, then over time he completely ceases to control himself, he has problems with memory, coordination of movements is impaired. After a while, the inhibition affects the nerve center responsible for the vital functions of the body: body temperature, breathing, heart activity.

Alcohol negatively affects the reproductive system, over time it affects the genetic apparatus, which is why a mentally underdeveloped child is born, with various mental and physical pathologies. Scientists in France have shown that there are many cases of dead or deformed babies being born when the mother drank alcohol during pregnancy.

So, to create a strong family with healthy offspring, it may be worth reconsidering your bad habits. We do not fight, after drinking alcohol, you have fun, good, calm, but what about the next day? Frustration, emptiness, headaches and more boredom. You don't need to build your life on bad habits, they bring temporary pleasure. Learn to live a healthy lifestyle. Then you turn around and see how beautiful the world is around you. Take care of your health, don't let addictions break you!